Meet Dr. Altchek

Partial Knee Replacement New York NYDr. David Altchek is a Partial Knee Replacement New York NY and Co-Chief Emeritus at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS). Dr. Altchek has spent over three decades repairing damaged shoulders, elbows, and knees, and provides a broad range of orthopedic sports medicine services.

The son of an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Altchek got a glimpse of the profession at an early age. He graduated from New York’s Weill Cornell Medical College in 1982 and completed his residency and fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.

David Altchek, MD., has extensive experience in upper arm and shoulder surgery. Known for providing outstanding sports medicine care, Dr. Altchek is the medical director for the New York Mets and serves as a medical consultant for the NBA. Dr. Altchek also served as the North American Medical Director for the Association of Tennis Professionals, and was the Team Physician for the U.S. Davis Cup tennis team. Dr. Altchek is also a Professor of Surgery in Clinical Orthopaedics at the Weill Cornell Medical College and has written over 100 articles and book chapters on problems of the shoulder, elbow, and knee problems.

Why Do I Need Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

Have you ever heard of an Arthroscopy? Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure doctors perform to evaluate and diagnose conditions in the joint. If you have inflammation, damage, or injury to a joint, your doctor may recommend this surgery. Arthroscopies are performed on the knee, shoulder, wrist, elbow, ankle, or hip. If you are looking for Partial Knee Replacement New York NY, Dr. David Altchek, MD, can give you the treatment you need. Dr. Altchek is a talented orthopedic and sports medicine surgeon. He has dedicated his career to perfecting innovative knee injury treatment techniques and has years of experience in medical services!

Why Might You Need a Knee Arthroscopy?

If you are experiencing knee pain that is not improving with ice, rest, and anti-inflammatories, your doctor may recommend knee arthroscopy. The procedure allows doctors to look inside the knee at the cartilage, bones, and soft tissues. They can detect injuries in the ligaments and cartilage that are causing you pain and discomfort. If you are searching for Partial Knee Replacement New York NY, contact Dr. David Altchek, MD, today and schedule an appointment!

Why Do Doctors Perform Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

Reasons for needing a knee arthroscopy include:

  • To Diagnose Injuries- During the procedure, the camera takes a good look at any inflamed areas, showing the damaged soft tissues and bones. 
  • Repair Injured Soft Tissues and Bones- When getting surgery to repair ligaments, tendons, or cartilage, your doctor must use specially designed tools. These tools help to reconstruct soft tissues and bones in the knee by stitching them together. 
  • Remove the Damaged Tissue- Doctors use small tools to shave off the damaged bone, cartilage, or inflamed tissue in the knee. They also use these tools to remove inflamed tissues from the knee.
  • Fix Soft tissue injuries- If you have Bursitis, Torn Meniscus, Patellar Tendonitis, ACL tear, or an MCL tear, you may need surgery.
  • Help Fractures- Bones and pieces of cartilage can break off if you fracture your bone. 
  • Reduce Inflammation- Synovium is a soft tissue on the inside of a joint and can become inflamed.


After knee arthroscopy, you will be able to go home on the same day. A few steps in the recovery process include:

  • Staying Off Of Your Feet- Avoid putting weight on your knee and use crutches or a walker.
  • Elevating Your Knee- Rest with your leg elevated on a pillow, keeping your knee above your heart to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Taking Pain Medication- Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter anti-inflammatories or prescription pain medication. You may also need medication to reduce swelling or prevent blood clots.
  • Keeping Your Incisions Covered- Always make sure that the bandage stays on your knee and keep the area clean. 

Why Should You Choose Dr. Altchek?

It’s important to know what doctor is best to use for proper knee treatment. Dr. Altchek is a second-generation orthopedic physician and Co-Chief Emeritus at the Hospital for Special Surgery. He is one of the lead consultants to the NBA and is a top doctor for many professional athletes. If you are looking for Partial Knee Replacement New York NY, Dr. David Altchek, MD, specializes in several services to aid knee conditions, such as:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries
  • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injuries
  • Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injuries
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injuries
  • Arthritis

Knee Injury Treatment Services:

Dr. Altchek will sit down with you and find a treatment plan that works best for you. He has decades of experience diagnosing and treating knee conditions in many individuals. His knee injury treatment services include:

  • Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
  • Total Knee Replacement
  • Partial Knee Replacement
  • ACL Reconstruction

Schedule An Appointment with Dr. Altchek: Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

Knee injuries are very common among younger athletes. It can be very easy for this to happen when playing a contact sport or one that requires jumping. Dr. Altchek is one of the best-known doctors in the area. He will take time to evaluate your needs and make an adjustment for you to get you back to feeling your best! Dr. Altchek is committed to providing top-notch care to anyone who needs his services. If you are looking for Partial Knee Replacement New York NY, contact Dr. David Altchek, MD, and get the help you need! 

Contact Dr. Altchek For Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

    Why Might I Need A Total Knee Replacement?

    Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

    The knee is an invaluable part of the body, which allows us to walk, run, sit, and do a variety of movements. Having knee pain or stiffness due to injury, overuse, or natural wear and tear will cause an interruption to your daily routine almost immediately, so contact Dr. David Altchek for Partial Knee Replacement New York NY. The saying that we don’t know what we have until it is gone has never been more true. 

    However, knee damage is not a life sentence, and there are many options for recovery. Depending on your circumstances, a total knee replacement might be the best choice to regain mobility and alleviate pain. If you are experiencing knee issues and want to know if a total knee replacement is the best option, visit Dr. David Altchek for a Partial Knee Replacement New York NY.

    Reasons For A Total Knee Replacement

    • Pain medication or home remedies are no longer effective.
      • If you have been treating knee pain for a long time with alternative methods, the knee will continue to undergo wear and tear. After a certain point, these methods will not be effective anymore.
    • Knee pain doesn’t go away with inactivity.
      • For example: sitting and sleeping.
    • Swelling in the Knee
    • Deformity in the Knee

    If you are experiencing any of the above issues, you should consult a doctor about a total knee replacement. Our doctor, Dr. David Altchek, specializes in Partial Knee Replacement New York NY! Yet, the most important reason to consider this procedure is if you can no longer do what you love because of knee issues. Doing the things that bring you joy makes life worth living, and knee pain should not get in your way! Our orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Altchek, is committed to helping patients return to an active lifestyle after knee replacement surgery. 

    The Operation

    total knee replacement replaces the whole knee joint, whereas a partial knee replacement involves placing metal or plastic on the surface of the knee.

    While a total knee replacement is an option for anyone, in most cases, doctors recommend it for anyone who is over 60 years of age. The reason is that a knee replacement is more likely to get worn if someone is involved in regular high-intensity activities, so there is more risk that a young person’s lifestyle may put too much stress on the knee.

    Once you have decided to get a total knee replacement, you can begin to prepare for the operation and look forward to the many opportunities that await you on the other side. Although very common, any surgery is a serious procedure, so it is critical to prepare beforehand. Some ways to prepare are:

    • Staying Hydrated
    • Eating a Healthy Diet
    • Breathing Exercises
      • Taking deep breaths and coughing in the days leading up to the surgery can help to remove buildup in the lungs that may settle during your surgery.
    • Pre-Surgery Physical Therapy 
      • Exercising the muscles around the knee to strengthen them will help your recovery post-surgery. 

    Your preparation before surgery for total knee replacement will depend on your circumstances. Dr. David Altchek can evaluate your case and discuss, in specifics, how you need to prepare.

    Recovery From Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

    After completing total knee replacement surgery, you will be ready to start living pain-free! However, the recovery period is just as important as the surgery if you want to put the right foot forward toward living an active and pain-free life with your new knees. 

    The recovery period for a total knee replacement is about 6 to 12 months. Throughout the recovery process, it is critical to listen to your body and give it rest when it needs it. You can begin walking without assistance after about six weeks, but it is crucial to never over-exert yourself. At this point, you should continue physical therapy and begin to incorporate exercises to regain strength. Dr. David Altchek will provide you with all the resources and information you need to make a successful recovery from Partial Knee Replacement New York NY.

    Get Started Today With Dr. David Altchek

    The idea of undergoing surgery can be daunting but knowing you have an experienced doctor and caring staff by your side will make the process easier. A total knee replacement is a decision you won’t regret if you have been living with pain or mobility issues from your knee. If you are ready to regain your life, book a consultation with Dr. David Altchek, or visit our website for more information.

    Injuries An Orthopedic Surgeon Treats

    Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

    Orthopedic surgeons treat a variety of conditions. These conditions range from bone, joint, ligament, tendon, and nerve injuries. Orthopedic surgeons treat injuries that occur in the musculoskeletal system of the body. The injuries they treat range from car-accident-related, aging injuries to sports injuries. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. David Altchek is an experienced surgeon with years of treating patients with orthopedic injuries. He is a top Partial Knee Replacement New York NY and provides the best-suited treatment for his injuries. Continue reading below for more information on common injuries treated by an orthopedic surgeon.

    Back and spinal cord injuries:

    Chronic back pain is a common injury many people experience. The pain can be debilitating, put a strain on daily life and affect your current lifestyle. The back and spinal cord are very important and sensitive areas of our body; therefore, any pain should be treated immediately. An orthopedic surgeon can treat various back injuries like a herniated disc, pinched nerve, or spine-related injuries. 

    Knee injuries:

    The knee is a crucial part of our body because it helps us walk, run, stand, play sports, etc. The three main parts of the knee are the patella, tibia, and femur, and they have tissue surrounding them for support. Some Partial Knee Replacement New York NY that Dr. David Altchek can treat are the following:

    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries
    • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injuries
    • Arthritis

    Some treatment options for the above injuries include:

    • Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
    • Total Knee Replacement
    • Partial Knee Replacement
    • ACL Reconstruction

    Shoulder injuries

    Shoulder injuries are another common injury treated by orthopedic surgeons. Shoulder injuries typically occur due to overuse, trauma, or repetitive motion to the shoulder. The shoulder is very flexible and has a high range of motion; therefore it is common to experience injuries to this joint. Shoulder injuries can be very painful and reduce your range of motion. Orthopedic surgeons treat many types of shoulder injuries, including the following:

    • Rotator Cuff Tears
    • Shoulder Tendonitis
    • Frozen Shoulder
    • Shoulder Instability
    • Dead Arm Syndrome

    These types of shoulder injuries can be treated by Dr. David Altchek who is an NYC orthopedic surgeon. He can treat your shoulder injuries through the following treatment options:

    • Shoulder replacement
    • Reverse shoulder replacement
    • Shoulder instability surgery
    • Arthroscopic rotator cuff surgery

    Sports injuries

    Dr. David Altchek is a talented orthopedic surgeon who has years of experience treating patients with orthopedic injuries, including athletes. Sports injuries are very common because of the pressure and strain put on their joints during games and practice. Sports injuries can be caused by trauma during a game or practice, overuse of a muscle/joint, or lacking flexibility. Dr. David Altchek treats athletes with the best-suited plan for their lifestyle to get them back to their sport, recovered, and ready to play. Some of the common sports injuries that orthopedic surgeons like Dr. David Altchek treat include:

    • Sprains
      • A sprain is an injury affecting the ligament. A common sprain injury affecting athletes is ankle sprains which can result from falls, twisting, etc.
    • Strains
      • A strain is an injury that affects a muscle or tendon. Athletes typically strain their hamstrings, lower back, or calves due to overstretching. 
    • Overuse injuries
      • Overuse injuries occur when soft tissue is damaged due to constant stress, which overstretches them and led to tears. Overtraining can cause overuse injuries of the shoulder, elbow, foot, and ankle. Therefore, it is important to rest and not overwork yourself to the point of injury. 
    • Fractures 
    • Dislocations
      • Both fractures and dislocations can occur due to sudden trauma to the ankle, shoulder, wrist, etc. 

    Orthopedic surgeons use a variety of surgical techniques to treat the above injuries. Orthopedic surgeons who treat sports injuries have their patient’s best interest in and will find the best treatment suited for the athlete to get them back to their sport.

    Contact Us: Partial Knee Replacement New York NY

    Dr. David Altchek is an orthopedic surgeon who puts his patients first and works with them to develop a treatment plan best suited for their goals and lifestyle. As an orthopedic surgeon, he treats knee, back, spinal, and sports injuries. His years of experience as an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist help him treat his patients with the best, most effective care for their injuries. Contact Dr. David Altchek, today for your orthopedic and sports injury needs!

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